Sunday, March 14, 2010

Iron Man 2 Comic Series 3.75" War Machine

That's right, it's the most anticipated Iron Man character to hit the big screen this year. (Ok, that may not be entirely true to some.)  It's not Black Widow, it's definitely not Whiplash, it's War Machine!

But wait, what' that you say?  This is not the movie version of the armour?  Sure it isn't!  But it ain't gonna stop us from getting this badass figure in 3.75" scale for the first time ever!  And if this isn't the movie version, then there's surely gonna be a big screen accurate version coming somewhere down the road, isn't there?  Well, you're right!

 But for now, head on over to Articulated Discussion  for the Comic Series review!

Why is the  review on AD and not here, you ask?  Well, they gimme loads of writing space over there and blow up my photos till they're huge!  I even get a desk, and my very own cubicle at the Articulated Offices.  Ain't it grand?.  While I'm there, I can plot and scheme my next move to rise in the ranks of the TAO empire (or just write my next review).

But I digress....

Go check out Iron Man 2 Comic Series War Machine!

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