Saturday, June 26, 2010

Standing Tall: Marvel Universe HAMMER Files 3.75" Colossus

I finally managed to get my hands on Colossus after wanting him since the Wolverine Origins figures hit the shelves almost a year and a half ago.  At that time, I spotted the ultra rare Colossus from that line but didn't have the cash to get him (and his hammer accessory, cos he be workin' the mines and all back in Mother Russia, yo.)  So I passed him on to the Rangerlord.

The great thing is that they came up with this new version.  The bad thing:  I feel bad to have snagged a toy for my hunter-in-arms only for a new and improved figure to be released.  Just how good was he compared to the old W:O version?  Well, the Rangerlord went out and got one for himself.

So if anyone is looking for WO Colossus and his funky hammer, we can hook you up. ;P I have to say this version of Piotr Rasputin is by far the best.  For more detailed pictures and the review, head on over to Articulated Discussion to check out my review! :)


  1. Colossus is a great looking figure and I can hardly wait to pick him up.

  2. Yeah he is! Watch out for the upper torso costume seam though. Some of those aren't quite stuck on perfectly to the edge of his chest pivot. ;)

  3. my wife got me this figure off amazon. i love this figure. i wish the 6" figures were this good from hasbro. thanks for the review.

  4. Well, here's to having awesome wives who'll buy you toys! ;)

  5. cheers! to wives!

  6. Yes, cheers! And a wonderful custom Sentinal you got yourself there. Lol.

  7. thanks. i make toys out of bottle water caps and whatever resources i can find here in afghanistan. ^_^

  8. Oh wow those are pretty awesome! If I had one I would review it for sure! :D

  9. send me an address, and i will send you something, Ewan.
