Friday, July 23, 2010

Iron Man 2 Ivan "Whiplash" Vanko: From Russia With Love

"Hey meine, I vant MY borrd," he said as he slammed the table.  Gotta love Mickey Rourke.  Gotta love Ivan Vanko.  Gotta love Whiplash despite him being a rather one dimensional character.

But nonetheless, he is one of the reasons the movie was so popular and will likely be a hot seller when it's released on DVD soon. (Next month?)

Anyways, being able to get hands on this figure made me really happy because he's the only helmet-less character they've made into an action figure so far in the 3.75" Iron Man 2 line.  There'll be more to follow, but I suspect this will be the only verison of ol' Randy "The Ram" Vanko we'll see.  I personally want a fully armored Whiplash from the climax of IM 2, but nothing's been announced about that yet...

So in the meantime, sit back, relax, and click on over to Articulated Discussion for the latest in my Iron Man 2 reviews!

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