Thursday, April 21, 2011

He's here: The Ultimate Action Figure!

Christian Gabriel Mah was born at 2.20am on the 19th of April 2011 at 3.13kg (6.88lbs) and 53 cm.

He makes Melissa and I proud parents.

He's got countless points of articulation, a perfect sculpt and paint that is guaranteed to never chip or smudge.

His action features so far include a loud sustained vocal blast that would rival the Canary Cry and power sucking that would make the Parasite blush.  By the looks (and feel) of it, he's likely to develop a killer grip to rival the Man of Steel himself.

Just making sure he isn't the Ultra-Humanite or the Leader
A standard feature of this type of action figure is pooping and peeing, both of which trigger his villain-stopping scream.  But an immediate change of diaper will immediately put him to sleep and render him vulnerable.

During the change though, he's got an automatic last-ditch defence mechanism--his eye-blinding pee ambush.  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT be mislead by the size of the weapon.  Needless to say, laughing and pointing is simply asking for it.

Christian is immensely fun to play with and brings limitless joy to Mel and I, who can't get enough of his super fat cheeks and soft hair.  Value for money?  Definitely--he's priceless and a must have! ;P


  1. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!

  2. Hey man,

    Congratulations and many happy wishes for you and Mel regarding little Christian there.

    I'll be back at the end of the year to start my corruption of him and turn him into the next Darkseid or Lex Luthor! Muwahahhaaa...

    btw, you said "He's got countless points of articulation, a perfect sculpt and paint that is guaranteed to never chip or smudge." Now you can't guarantee that considering you won't know if he'll fall down and scrape a knee or something while riding a bike. then you need to do repainting work.

    Oh! and i think you should do a review of the articulation of this figure too. like the joints etc. lol.

  3. Congrats! My wife and I are expecting our 2nd daughter in June. Little ones are the best!

  4. When I first heard about this figure, I assumed it was another repaint, but it appears to be an all-new sculpt. Huzzah!

    Also, he was born on my birthday. Double huzzah!

  5. Congratulations!

    Remember to focus on the important things though- it's never too early to bring him into the fold. And soon you'll have to make important decisions about whether he'll be a Marvel or a DC, whether he'll value sculpt or articulation more, ect. These are the decisions that parenting is all about.

  6. Congratulations! Raise him in the ways of collecting.

  7. Awesome! Hope you all have years of collecting together!

  8. Congratulations again Ewan and Mel. Sorry we couldn't visit: my own 2 action figures were in need of managing. Let me tell you: mobility is overrated. You want them just lying there where you last placed em. The walking, running and climbing action features are really tiring when combined with the new Limitless Energy feature. And one more any day now. So tired.

    We'll pop by your cave soon!
    The RangerLord


  9. Congratulations! The ultimate excuse for going into Toy Shops now :D

  10. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone!

    @Timmy - You talk as if you're an interplanetary Warlord/Humankind's Most Evil Genius. But I I think he's managig quite well on his own now, terrorizing Mum and Da. Lol.

    @Colbey - Yes, they are! 'Grats on your 2nd one soon! :)

    @Henry - Duly noted!

    @Soundwave and googum - Yes, that s the plan indeed...:P

    @Rangerlord - Great points all round--what I have I gotten myself into!?! ;P As for your "collection" of the trio, you kow what they say: Three time's the charm! Lol.

    Yes, feel free to pop by anytime. (Then we can sneak off to watch Thor.) Am home and on leave till May 3rd! :)

  11. @geekcreek - Oh and Happy Belated Birthday, dude! :)

  12. Congrats! it's a boy. I predict heirloom is underway. lol

  13. Congratulations to both of u very proud parents!

  14. Thanks guys. :)

    @Giant Squib - It'l be an excuse a long time in the making! ;)

  15. wow! congratulations, sir! what an incredbile time for you and your wife. many blessings to you, my friend!

  16. Thanks, trepur! It's been incredible indeed! :D

  17. Welcome to the world little 1!

  18. Cute! Congratz. Nice review anyway ha ha

  19. Thanks guys! :)

    @Shawn - Your own kid has got to be 1+, 2 by now? :)

  20. hi Ewan ! I'm jun yi, the guy who sold the MU Dr Strange to you at retail price of S$19.90 at China Square Central this Sunday afternoon, remember ? By the way that figure was from Malaysia.. I got Doom and Cyclops from HK. sorry my bad, got confused cos I traveled to both HK and KL lately and got these few rare figures. Wow I never thought you own such a great website. Your reviews were very awesome, well done ! By the way congratulations on your baby ! Love to see you reviewing Dr Strange :) regards

  21. Hi Jun Yi! Thanks for the figure. I wanted to ask your name but you seemed in a rush but now I know. :) No worries where the figure wsa from--am just glad to have and like you said, with such god paint. Found a Skaar upstairs at U-Toys but they were selling it for $35! O.o

    How did you know it was me you sold Dr. Strange to? Yes, I'll be rviewing him really soon. And thanks! Bby is just over 2 months old now. YOu're one of the few on this site who've actually seen him in person! ;)

  22. I was in a hurry yesterday because I had an haircut appointment. was actually wandering around upstairs asking if anyone wants to buy, thinking it would be a very good deal since I'm selling at less then $20..but surprisingly i couldn't find a buyer ! oh well. eventually after i sold it to you, i recalled that i have browsed a toy blog a week ago with the blogger posting his baby photos..i browsed it again and yeah, it was you ! haha. be the first blogger to review dr strange !

    I'm kinda getting tired of these specialty shops selling these at such unacceptable prices..with $35, we can actually get 2 MU figures ! sometimes it is these scalper shops that really kill the joy and interest of hunting and collecting toys (especially rare ones). Sometimes when i travel overseas, I will get a few MU figures, provided they have good paint jobs (I'm very picky on paint jobs as i passed on cable and deadpool+taskmaster due to bad face paint/smear even though it is so rare to find them here) and if my luggage bag have sufficient space left. I hate scalpers, and i certainly don't like to be one of them haha. anyway, I'll be returning to KL tomorrow. i can get you a Skaar and/or Scarlett Spider if you want, provided that departmental store still has them :)

  23. No worries! I was still stunned that I had been lucky enough to score a Dr. Strange when I wasn't actively looking for it and at such a great price! I also can't believe people passed up on it. Better for me, I guess! ;)

    And I see, so it was my son that gave it away! Lol.

    Completely agree with you about scalper specialty shops. Some of those guys aren't even nice to you when you ask them about the stuff they're selling. Heh. But some of these store owners are really genuine, like Toyrealm's (the store we were in) co-owner Vincent. Great guy.

    Also agree on being picky about paint jobs with the face being the crucial factor. other areas can be "touched up" with my lowly painting "skills." But I feel ya there.

    If you could score a Skaar for me that would be awesome! Am also on the lookout for another Dr. Strange (for my buddy the Rangerlord), Cable, Cyclops, and Apocalypse from the previous wave--but only if it's not too much trouble and if you have enough space etc. Otherwise no worries, the hunt will continue. ;)

    Glad to have met you and thanks for reading! :)

  24. Oh and yes, Scarlet Spider would be cool too. again, only if convenient. Thanks again! :)

  25. i guess it's the baby luck that all the people passed on it so it is eventually yours haha. anyway, i'll see what i can get on wednesday morning on the figures that you mentioned above. scoring another dr strange may be very unlikely, because the last time i was there when the worker just happened to stock up this latest wave, dr strange had the fewest quantity (only 3 out of 24 MU figures which includes revision cases of apocalypse, gladiator, and that god-awful 1st appearance wolverine). i picked up 2 and left 1 there for other collector. will definitely grab that last piece if it is still there, we'll see. anyway, drop me an email and let me know your phone number at shall keep you posted :)

  26. Awesome--thanks! Will do it right now...

  27. dropped you an email. check your inbox :)

  28. Sir Dragonbane, I second the opinion expressed by Jun Yi and you regarding scalpers. A few days ago, one of them tried to sell me a loose McFarlane HALO REACH action figure for twice the going price at toy stores but I declined (even if I did want it). I ain't that crazy when it comes to toys. Scalpers ought to be eaten by Fin Fang Foom.

    As for the Little Dragonbane Ultimate Action Figure: speaking from experience, sir, the paint on these types of figures can get discolored, chipped, and smudged (among other things) due to play (especially when they're in a group). Fortunately, it's nothing that a little soap and water can't fix; besides that, these figures actually have the ability to regain the original color of their paint in rather quick fashion.

    And, yes (speaking from experience once more), it is such a joy to own and to play with these types of figures. Except perhaps when you're left alone to tend to a dozen and a half of them all at once. Heh-heh.

  29. 18 of them at one go? Wow, you're certainly brave! ;P But seriously, my son is really such a joy, more so than I could've ever imagined! :)

  30. Well, truth be told, none of them were mine, sir. Did that make the responsibility any less daunting? No. Did it matter to those little tykes when they left food stains (and nothing more, thank Primus) all over my clothing? No. Did it stop them from inflicting all sorts of bodily harm (minor thought it all was) upon my person? No.

    Was it still a joy to watch over eighteen of the active and autonomous living beings? Oh, yes. Despite everything, it truly was a joy.
