Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chase Contest: And the Winner is...

Mitch Gilbert!

You've won yourself Silver Centurion Iron Man. This one I actually reviewed right here on CV!

All of you guys were right--I'm gonna have to make this contest thingy harder, though this time some of you said that was his eye--it's actually his mouth. :P
Well Mitch, email me your address and I'll send SSIM over to you as soon as I can!

As for everyone else, fret not!  More contests are on the horizon.  So until then, enjoy the reviews and also the special preview of upcoming Marvel Universe figures from San Diego Comic Con in the previous post.



  1. Woot big congrats the winner! Love these contest they are loads of fun. : )

  2. Glad you love them, jboypacman. More to come!

    @Brian - No worries and also, more to come! ;)

  3. ROARGGHH!!! Am i lucky or what didn't win anything 4 times in role ;)

  4. Ah well... But really looking forward to all the contests to come. :D

  5. Sweet I actually won something for once!

  6. Argghhh...im wrong 5times in a role!!!! ;)

  7. Hey SirDragonBane, did you see Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo and Silver Centurion Iron Man anywhere???

  8. So tempted to get it after reading your review on the Silver Centurion Iron Man ;)

  9. Actually, not anymore. BUt to be honest I haven't looked reeal hard. Your best bet would either be OG Albert Park or Simply Toys Suntec/Plaza. (Not so sure about Raffles bec I don;t go there too often.)

    Funny that those are the 3 figures I've just given away!

  10. Yeah...and i call that "good luck" ;)
