Friday, July 8, 2011

Time For Another GIveaway!

The occasion?  Um, lets call it:

It's Hot as Hell in Singapore This Time of Year So I Gotta Give Away Something Day!

Well, it's more humid than it is hot but you get the muggy picture. :(

First off, a little bit of administrative matters...(Because we're all business here at Chase Variant. Lol.)

Dill, dude, you won the last contest but ya gotta contact me if you want your Crimson Dynamo!  It's sitting in the corner of my room crying its eyes out and blathering in Russian about how hot it is here...

Drop me an email or leave a message here so I can get your address and mail CD out to ya!  If not, I'll redraw the winner and announce him/her at the same time I announce the winner of this draw!  So if Dill doesn't get in touch with me by then, think of this post as a double contest bonanza! ;P

So the contest rules remain the same!

Ground Rules

1) If you win the contest and you're overseas (i.e: anywhere else in the world but in Singapore), you'll still receive the figure for free!  I'll cover the shipping cost, including shipping materials.  I may opt to open the toy (something I'm very good at) and remove the bubble, especially if shipping gets too steep.  But I'll ship everything else from the card to the inserts if you like. ;)

2) If you live in Singapore, there's no definitely shipping charge--we'll arrange for a meet up so I can shake your hand, hand you the prize, and let the media (aka me) take a few snap shots. (Just kidding, no photos necessary.  Lol.)

Contest Rules

There's a couple of things you have to do in order to enter.

Firstly, identify the toy in the pic on the left!  Yes, it is your prize. And yes, this one's tougher than the previous giveaway (I hope.)  :P  Here's a clue: He's not Crimson Haha. Clearly.  Haha.   But the dude is a Russian though he des look a tad Roman in this pic. ;)

Secondly, once you've identified the prize in question, reply to this post and tell me what the toy is!  Each correct answer will receive one chance to win.  But that's not all--you can double your chances if you recommend someone else to Chase Variant and get them to follow it.  (You'll have to let me know who you recommended in your post and I'll double your entry once they've followed!  It's that easy.  For you, that is!  For me it might turn out to be a mathematical nightmare. 8})

Well all that's left now is a closing date!  Let's call it a week and a bit from the time of this post, that's 5am Singapore time on Friday the 15th of July.  (That's GMT +8.)

Have fun with this one!  (Unless you already know the answer, then have :P)  Fire away! :D


  1. The figure is Titanium Man from the Iron Man 2 line! Love your reviews from a fellow Iron Man figure junkie!

  2. Titanium Man !! from the 3.75 line

  3. Titanium Man. From the Iron Man 2 Comic Series. I still wanted a classic figure.

  4. I own one... again! But yeah, it's the other Russian dude who is Iron Man's Cold War nemesis.

    So this time, Imma just post a picture of a spider.
    He says hi.

  5. the mean, green Titanium man!

    third time's the charm :D

  6. My Third Try!!!! Another great replacement for Crimson Dynamo!! The Almighty Titanium Man from the Iron Man 2 3.75 inches line!!!!

  7. Titanium Man, from the Iron Man 2 line 8)

  8. My answer is Iron Man 2 Comic Series Titanium Man.

    By the way, Sir Dragonbane, speaking of Crimson Dynamo, what do you think of the six-inch Crimson Dynamo from the Iron Man Armored Avenger toy line?

  9. Titanium Man, ron Man 2: Comic Series


  10. i know this one. titanium man from the IM2 comic series for sure. shoulder pad

  11. @Ryan Bell - Thanks, dude! :)

    @Ridureyau - Did you take that pic? It's beautiful and scary at the same time!

    @Wayward Knave - Hmm...He looks pretty good in package and I'm thinking some might like prefer that design for Crimson Dynamo. But aside from the Mark V, I haven't bought into the IM2 6" line so I can't say for sure...


    9 legit entries so far guys! Awesome! ;)

  12. Titanium Man! Titanium Man, does whatever titanium can!

  13. 3.75 Titanium Man from IM2 line (comic series)

  14. Yeah, I did! It's an adult male Daring Jumping Spider I found about a month ago. Totally docile, and dare I say it, even friendly!

    And just today, I found an adult female Phidippus Mystaceus (really common Jumping Spider). Same deal. This one cleaned herself, and jumped on the camera a few times, hah!

  15. Hey Sir Dragon Bane, any place to recommend, to get marvel universe figure, preferably, Colossus , Classic Iron Man and the New Doctor Doom???

  16. @Big Joe - Lol

    @Ridureyu- Awesome! Spiders = pretty amazing. Like Big Joe's tune. ;)

    @TPS - Try Simply Toys in Plaza Sing & Suntec! ;)

  17. It's Titanium man. Or titman as all the cool kids call him.

  18. Am going to say this is Titanium Man from the Iron Man line of action figures.

  19. Titanium Man! One of the most underrated figures in the whole IM2 line. Cheers!

  20. What's all this about Titanium Man?

    It must surely be a hard light codpiece construct from the Mattel GL line! Your funky camera tricks are no match for me sir!


    The RangerLord

  21. 14 entries so far!

    @Rangerlord - Darn, trying to pull the wool over your eyes is tough!

  22. Titanium Man!!!! Iron Man 2 Comic Series figure.

  23. This is Titanium Man from the Iron Man concept series 2.

  24. love your blog by the way and thanks for tips on captain america

  25. Titanium Man. I just adore the candy apple green paint used on this figure--is it just me, or do vibrant saturated paint jobs work for deadly powered armors?

  26. @Carla W. - Thanks! Glad I could be of service. :)

    And that's 17 entries as the closing date passes. Watch this space for the winner!

  27. Hi SirDragonBane , do you happen to see a Iron Man 2 Comic Series 3.75" War Machine anywhere?

  28. @TPS - I actually lucked out and saw one at Simply Toys Suntec and bought it, of course! Actually, I should review it...

  29. @SirDragonBane, I thought you did in Articulated Discussion??? since thats where i got my temptation of buying the War Machine!!

  30. Ah, yes I did! Somehow I was thinking of the unmasked version, which I managed to find much later on and only ever saw at Simply Toys once!

    Back to your original question, Comic Series War Machine has been pretty scarce of late. Haven't seen many of him at all...
