Monday, March 8, 2010

Iron Man 2 Movie Series 3.75" Mark I

Hey all,

Just a short note to say that you shouldn't fret if you don't see any updates on Chase Variant in the coming few days--I'll still be doing reviews, and more often than usual even, over the next week or so.

The long and short of it is that I managed to snag some Iron Man 2 figures and I'll be reviewing them over on Articulated Discussions.  The first one's already up, so head on over there to check out Iron Man Mark I!

And don't forget to check there for more updates.  I'll also post a note here to tell you when a review goes up.

So cheers all, and haappy hunting!

P.s:- Here's a sneak peek at a coupleof the other Iron Men I got:


  1. You should check out the new trailer, there's a Mark IV/V? armour in a suitcase!

  2. Yeah I just saw it! That's the Mark V. But I can't find it here though. That and Iron Monger I have yet to see. :)
