Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Iron Man 2 Movie Series 3.75" Mark II

That's right!  The review fort his guy's up!  Check it out at Articulated Discussions right here!  And if you're feeling chatty, drop a note--those guys over there are awesome. ;)

Here are some notable personalities:

TAO - aka The Articulated One, after whom the site is name.  He is lord and master of AD--don't be fooled by his yakuza-like name and demeanor.  He's actually a really nice guy.

DrNightmare - The resident laugh-a-minute poster and contriutor to the site.  He'll have you rolling around with uncontrollable laughter whether or not you let him.  All he needs to do is get you to read one of his reviews...

Wes clones - Don't be confused by these guys!  They're all different people called Wes.  How may of them are there?  No one knows!

There's a whole bunch of other regular posters and contributors that I haven't mentioned but that doesn't mean they aren't as warm, friendly, and funny.  So what are you still reading this for?  Head on over there right now!! ;)


  1. Wait, so I don't stand out as an individual personality? :/

    Keep the Iron Man figure reviews coming!

  2. Lol, Wes. I believe you to be the original, but with the rest running around ruining your good name, it's hard to tell when it's their individual will or your DNA overriding their actions.

    Yes, more to come from ol' Tin Head! :)

  3. Hey man - quick question. I was at Target and found a Mark II missing the artwork insert in the front of the packaging. It's perfectly sealed - hasn't been tampered with. It obviously came from the factory this way. You seen any of those?
