That's right folks, it's the Green Lantern Corps drill sergeant himself and the grandest poozer of them all, Kilowog! (Or as the wife-to-be likes to call him, Green Lantern pig. Real glamorous. :P)
Funny fact about DCUC figures here in Singapore: it was previously tougher to assemble the Build-a-Figures from the old waves before Wave 9. Excluding Wave 10, which was the Walmart Exclusive Imperiex Wave, you could easily put together a Wave 9 Chemo and a Wave 11 Kilowog from what the department stores bring in. (Heck, even the excusive Wave 10 can be found here in most specialty toy stores.) It also looks like Wave 12 Darkseid will follow the same trend.
Thing is, there will always be certain figures that are rarer and thus harder to find. For Wave 9 it's Black Canary and Green Arrow (though he only comes with a base), and for Wave 11, it's now John Stewart and Katma Tui (and just before the new shipments came in it was The Question.)
So luckily for me I managed to get ol' Johnny S. and Katma T before they ran out. And despite having to pay a premium at retail from a local department store to get Question and Deadman, Both were worth it because Vic Sage is a firm fan favoirite and the Fan Choice Winner, while the Boston Brand I got was the disappearing (or re-appearing) variant with glow in the dark eyes, mouth, and "D".
Much to talk about with those characters and I will in good time (Heh). But back to the Big K! Here's a breakdown of which of his parts came with whom:
Now let's take a look at the 'Wog in action!