I made an exception this time though, because of The Most Powerful Man in the Universe! Dadada daa da duh Dadada daa da duh Dadada daa da duh daaaaaaa...HE-MAN!!! Who can forget that catchy original theme song from 1984? So if you wanna sing along to the rest of the lyrics, click on the link!
Ok, ok. No songs, just a toy review. Of my childhood idol, He-Man!

Well, I'm not torn any longer because now I can read. And I also know that He-Man would kick some Kryptonian ass! At least in this two-pack he will!
Like: He's my first ever Masters of the Universe Classic figure and how reminiscent of the 1980s toy he is! He Man's exactly how I imagined him in my mind's eye when I used to play with the figure of yore--the old version could barely move his arms and head except in circles, to say much less for the legs. For this new version, every muscle is fully detailed, the proportion is great, and he's got the best articulation ever on a He-Man figure! Now I don't have to imagine my He-Man moving the way he could in the cartoon because this guy can do it better than that and then some.
Like: The poseability is perfect for a figure of this scale and this is due a great deal to the ball head, ab crunch, and the hip/leg ball-joint/swivel combo. Nice jab Mattel. Now you could only make them about 10 bucks cheaper...
Like: The non-flimsy, dual pegged removable harness. No breakages, and it has a place to sheath the sword. After years of trying to shove He-Man's sword down the back of his "armor" and breaking it time and again, now the sword has a proper home. Ah.
Like: Rocker ankles! With hinges!
Dislike: That the swivel ankles are loose. The rockers are fine but the combo of the moderate tightness of the rockers and the loseness of the hinges make for some precarious posing. I mean after all, look at how much muscle mass the guy has! The funny part is that he's got the weight in plastic to match the muscular bulk. Luckily, the tightness of the knees and hips saves He-Man from collapsing altogether too easily, else Skeletor would have defeated He-Man moons ago for sure. Heh.

Like: The paint. He Man's got a really primary color scheme, but very well-executed. Somehow the simplicity of a flatly colored cimc book He-Man translates very well to his action figure conterpart. Instead of looking more "kiddy" colored or simply flat, the brighter colors contrast well off each other and make the already awesome sculpt pop just that bit more.

Only a few really small paint flaws: there's a small paint chip at the right ankle joint. I'm not sure if this could have been due to my handling of the figure but even then, the paint shouldn't chip off like that. The upside is that it's a really small chip so it's not a big deal.
Dislike: That he only comes with a battle axe and a shield. Where's the power sword? Is buying the original single release the only way to get a grey, color accurate power sword? (BTW the gold power sword you see here comes with the Lex Luthor vs Skeletor 2-pack.)
Aesthetics: 10/10 - What can you say when an update on an old toy you loved as a kid returns in a way that is probably how you imagined him but better?
Poseability: 9.5/10 - 25 points of articulation on my count, Five in each arm, 6 in each leg, and the three main ones in his torso and neck. As you can see, he can pretty much do anything you want him to. Compared to the grand total of five, yes five PoAs from the 80s figures, this He-Man is like a contortionist.
Fun: 10/10 - He-Man has always been a fun concept with the age-old super hero idea of a secret identity, a teenage alter ego (that's us as kids) and a magical transformation. And this figure captures all of that superhero-ness, all that power, all those muscles and combines it in one package for us. I managed to get my hands on the 2-pack Skeletor as well, so they'll be facing off with each other in my display.What also makes this toy really enjoyable is that the 200X accessories fit him perfectly. So if that sort of thing is your bag, baby (it's mine for sure) then you'll have a ton of old figures to plunder. Or if you never got into the animated line, then you could go look for them cheap/on clearance wherever you are, then steal their accessories for He-Man! I know I'm planning to locate a set of the 200X Skeletor's weapons for ol' knuckle head. As it is I only have the rpaint figure but e weapons look soooo evil, so cursed, and so...so Skeletor!
This has got to be one of the toys of the year for me. There's really nothing like it that makes you not regret having given all your old 1980s figures away. Opening up He-Man and having him in my hands playing and posing and looking better than he ever has is really nothing short of magical. And if I never ever buy another MOTU Classics figure again (just saying. They are awesome. I should get more...), my MOTU needs will still be abundantly satisfied by the Most Powerful Man in the Universe!
Take that, evil bad guys!

Haha, congrats on getting your hands on the 2-packs! I was thrilled with my He-Man/Superman one.. well, other than Superman. He really let me down. But still, major congratulations! It's the only He-Man that I have, and I really think it's well done. I have no desire to get any of the other MattyCollector.com re-releases of him. Just need a 200X and an 80s He-Man and I'll be good to go. =)
ReplyDeleteA great review, too. I like your system. Easy to follow with the likes and dislikes. I think the MOTUC line is easy to pass on until you actually touch one.. then you're just hooked!
@Wes GR- Haha, I completely agree on how easy it is to get hooked! I know I am now, despite wanting to do as you've said and only get the one He-Man that has hit retail. But maybe if I find a Battle Armor He-Man at the right price...
ReplyDeleteBut gosh, I really do NOT like this Superman. And I'm a Supes fan. Sigh. Well, DCSH FTW!
Thansk for the coment on the format. I find it easier to write this way and I think it's easier to read as well. :)
The 200X He-Man should be relatively easy to find, no? Well, if you need help getting one, I could check out my neck of the woods fer ya. ;)
Oh yeah, no flimsy crates in Eternia--they're too advacned so there's no excuse fro those being around. Heheh. :P
I agree with your logic on the crates... I can't imagine that they would have fit in. Besides, The Wasp is too tired from pushing the last set into frame. =)
ReplyDeleteI don't think the 200X will be hard to find at all.. probably Ebay if nothing else. Just need to get some real income going (next month will be MUCH better) in order to get my hands on the Skeletor and He-Man from that line that I so desperately want. Really appreciate the offer of assistance, though, and will certainly holler if it's needed!
And I could not agree with you more.. the Superman was incredible disappointing.
Anytime, Wes! ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat about all you murking MOTU fans out there? Any thoughts on this figure, especially those of you who've gotten more of the MOTU Clasics line?
Don't be shy! ;)
Waitasec... am I getting you AD contributors confused? Correct me if I'm wrong, Ewan, but you're not in the US, right? So how the heck is it that you have that Skeletor 2-pack when I *still* have yet to see it in stores?! (Granted, I ended up getting one via a forum pal... but still.)
ReplyDeleteOkay, comments on the actual review -- great! Your photos always rule, and it's nice to see how well that stand works with the MOTUC figures. (Is that clip removable?) And I'm glad you like the look of the 200X accessories with the MOTUC figures! They mostly strike me as a bit too technological for the simpler MOTUC style, but I'll definitely be borrowing 200X Skeletor's weapons... even though their colors are pretty hideous (I have that wacky chrome blue and orange repaint). And this He-Man's shield is totally going to Battle Armor He-Man... who should have come with a shield of his own. :/
Hey Wes!
ReplyDeleteNope, it's not a case of mistaken identity. I'm the same Ewan on AD from Singapore. ;) I had a friend visit New York recently and he asked if there was anything he could get from me from the Big Apple. So I just mentioned these 2-packs on a whim and he found 'em! (in the Times Square TRU, I believe ;D)
Thanks for the photo comments. I'm constantly excited about sharing play experiences and thought I could capture this best by photographing my most enjoyable "play" moments. :)
Yes! That clip is removable (the flight stand is the DCUC one for those who are unaware) and it comes with 3 different sized clips which are removable. The hinge on the stand is ratcheted, so it's nice and sturdy.
Agree about the Skeletor staff and swords! I also thought the 200X technology would be too detailed at first, but then I put 'em together and I think it really fits with the figures themselves. I think it's got to do with the impressive musculature of the figs. If you put the 200X figs next to the Classics they don't lose out in the detail department. All are 4 Horseman designs, so kudos to them. :)
The shield with BA He-Man is a great idea! And the funny thing is that I also have the variant Skeletor instead of the original as well!
Hey Ewan!!! Found both 200X He-Man and Skeletor at a flea market today for five bucks each! Wooot! Just wanted to share! =) I'm definitely going to have to steal his sword for my two pack
Oh man!!! That's an awesome find, dude. I'm actually planning to do the same and head down to the local Sunday flea market to see if it coughs up any 200X weapons I can pilfer.
ReplyDeleteBut damn, more than anyone else, I hope I find an original color Skeletor! (Or at least his weapons! ;D)
Mine were original color on card. It was a very, very lucky find, and I was thrilled to pay five bucks for them. I just can't see myself buying one of the Disco Skeletors they put out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pass out from the 1995 Spawn figure fumes.. yeesh.
ReplyDeleteGreat review on one of my favorite figures! :) I bought a Battle Armor He-Man (he's the one I mostly had as a kid)from amazon a while back and immediately replaced his tiny battleaxe with the 200X sword and shield. Hell, that sword is the whole reason I'm ordering the Weapons Pack on Monday.
ReplyDeleteI love the two-pack He-Man though. The unhindered ab joint and ball-joint head really let him whip ass in much cooler fashion...I mean "pose better". Yeah, that's it. Pose better.
@Lemonjui...er I mean hobotastictoys - Yeah, I noticed that sword in the pack! They even gave it the 200X colors. Originally it comes with Man-At-Arms, yes?
ReplyDelete@Wes GR - Disco Skeletor indeed! Ah, why did I have to think that it looked better than the original way back when it was released? Haha.
Heh... I'm sure it really popped off the shelf back then, which would definitely make it appealing. We all did strange things back in the Dark Times of the Variants. =)
ReplyDeleteYep. The sword came with Man-At-Arms as his secret accessory. The one he came with though was just plain silver while the one in the Weapons pack has the more accurate paint apps applied. :)
ReplyDeleteSweet. I love how they have little Easter Eggs for their loyal customers! Now I'm also gonna have to get myself a weapons pack...and Man-At-Arms! Boyoboyoboy, I do love me my accessories! ;)
ReplyDeleteJust a got reissue He-Man and I was thinking about getting the 2 pack with Superman just for He-Man, but realized its yet another Superman I didn't need. Already have 2 Black Suit DCUC, 1 Red/Blue, and a Silver Armored DCD figure. But I have 3 200X He-Men already so 4 He-Men in total. In this case, MOTUC>DCUC.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous-For sure in this case MOTUC beats DCUC. And I wouldn't even mind it at all if they fixed the issues with this particular Superman, like the too thin 'S' and the really expressionless face. I'm happy with the Public Enemy Supes I have though.
ReplyDeleteWhy in the world do you have 2 Black Suit Supes? ;)
Yo, that display stand thing holding He-Man up for the jumping Axe Chop... is that a generic toy stand or does that come with He-man?
ReplyDeleteOh, that's a Mattel DC Universe Classics figure stand. You can get them directly from the Matty website still, I think. :)