Before I start on this latest review (and it is very, very late) I want to apologize to those of you who've been following this blog diligently. I've not posted for about two weeks and with good reason: I recently got married! Last week, I tied the knot to the most wonderful human being I know, kind and compassionate, gentle and loving. The best part is she loves that I do all sorts of nerdy stuff like collect toys and play games. She even checks this page daily for updates even when I don't expect her to!
She is also a real person. :P
In fact, all these Star Wars reviews I have coming up of the new Vintage 3.75" line are her doing--she woke up at the crack of dawn and stood in line for me because I was at work and couldn't make the local release.
So I dedicate this next review--the first I'm doing on this line--to my dear Melissa.
Here's to a wonderful life together!
- Your husband, Ewan
* * * * * * * * *
Hasbro should've named ol' Luke-in-training here "Best-pin" Luke for being what must be one of the best figures not just in the Star Wars line, but also in 3.75-inch history! Yeah, Bespin Luke may be my favorite Luke Skywalker of the lot not only because he's at the most important stage of character development in the Original Trilogy, but also because he's the one character they could screw up the most easily--anything less than the best for the figure would mean disappointment among fans such as myself.

Still, among all the figures in the 3.75" lines--the Marvel Universe guys and the GI Joes--it's hard to believe a Star Wars figure can really be the best. After all, he's got to beat guys like the new Pursuit of Cobra Beachhead and the awesome-as-nuts San Diego Comic Con (not so) Exclusive WWII Ultimate Captain America. However, I certainly think that he doesn't just give them a run for their money, but
they give
him a run for his money (all in Standard Imperial Credits, of course! ;D)
Can a measly Star Wars figure, especially one of a character from way back (1980), truly be
that great? Maybe he measures up aesthetically but must certainly falls short in articulation and thereby play value? Well there's only one way to find out!