Stalking Recondo
In the jungles of Congo,
Once you had hair,
Now you're a baldo.
Jesse Recondo,
You look more like Gung-Ho,
I say you're Edward Norton,
Chubbier, with a mustachio...
I knew my major in Creative Writing would come to goood use some day. Yup.

Like all the rest of these figures getting a push in the Pursuit of Cobra Jungle theme (excepting Duke), I really have no connection or love whatsoever for the character. Except for my masterpiece of a poem up there. :P That's why I'm not bothered that he looks more like Gung-Ho or should have hair etc. I'm kinda neutral about the Recondo character.

But enter a hint of a Predator theme and tons of references toward the original cult classic and BAM! Suddenly I'm all in. So there was no hesitation when I saw this guy on the pegs in a local store, heck, there was no hesitation once I saw the solicitation pics of him online!
I was going to get him come hell or high water!

Four Words:
Jesse "The Body" Ventura.
It's not that I actually liked the guy or his character during his wrestling days. I mean, what kinda of a man wears a feather boa, bandanna, and tights? Well nowadays, most everyone but when I was a kid, it was strange to say the least.
I kinda of liked him a little bit better when he first took over as governor of Minnesota--I was headed up there for college and most people seemed to like him then, especially when he had a nice bald head and returned them tax money at the end of the year. Or something like that.

But then Minnesotans started to turn on him when things got heavy and he started to go a little crazy. It was kinda not cool to say you liked The Governor back then. So I didn't. And he grew out his hair, or
what was left of it.
But it was really these two classic quotable quotes from Predator which just made Recondo come alive and revive the Blain character in the Ventura of old:

I ain't got time to bleed."
This stuff'll make you a goddamn a sexual tyrannosaurus. Just like me."
How can you that not catch your attention? And really, the poor guy, for all his tough talking, didn't really get a good shot off at the Predator before the guy put a hole in his chest the size of, well, his chest. But like Billy Sole (
POC Spirit: Iron Knife), Blain has been immortalized in 3.75 inch scale plastic and will forever live on in our playrooms/on our display shelves.
And was it a good immortalization? Well, I ain't got time for jibber-jabber so jump on over!