When Battle Cat was first released, I hadn't gotten on the MOTUC rain quite yet. I'd been eyeing a He-Man, any He-Man, because I wanted to have the icon himself and no other figure. He had always been my favourite character after all--not just for the Masters of the Universe brand, but also across all toys and characters.
So naturally, I missed out on ol' B'Cat.
Almost an entire year and a few MOTC figures later (including Adam, King Grayskull, He-Ro, and He-Man himself), I knew I
had to have the world's most famous green cat. So naturally, I jumped at the chance when Matty Collector put him on their Cyber Monday Sale for the 29th of November last year!
But in all honesty, I thought ol' B'Cat would've flown off the virtual shelf once the sale opened, so I wasn't holding out much hope that I'd be able to get him at all. Add to that the numerous problems Matty reportedly have on sales days and I pretty much was prepared to not have Battle Cat at all.

To my surprise, I managed to get to the order page,put in my order, and get the confirmation email relatively easily. There wasn't the dreaded "Red Wall of Reload."
Also, I'd thought Battle Cat would make an excellent Christmas present for the Rangerlord, and since I'd always wanted to get the DC Universe Classics Color of Fear 2-pack set, I was thrilled at having completed my order. Huzzah!

Five weeks later and out of the country for my honeymoon, the package still hadn't arrived. But on the Monday of week six, I get a text from my in-laws that it had arrived. According to the mailing labels on the box, it had been to Germany and France before arriving in Singapore? What did that mean? I didn't care! I still don't! Battle Cat was here! Double Huzzah! Of course I had to wait till the following week when I returned home before cracking him open, but it was well worth the wait. Let's have a look-see, shall we? :)