I'll have to say for the record that I'm not a fan of the New Trilogy. Or at last I'm not as big a fan of the NT as I am of the Original trilogy, not by a long shot. I seriously dislike the way the NT was treated like a 3 movie-long commercial, with characters more or less being sold as merchandise. As long as they appeared for a split second on screen, they'd be sold as an action figure sooner or later. Same with the vehicles, aliens, and whatever else made it into the theatre. And the Star Wars Universe suffered greatly.
Back in the day, the OT characters, background or otherwise, were very much less deliberate. In fact you couldn't even tell that George Lucas had merchandising on his mind. Perhaps he didn't even know himself. Sure, he may have already had backstories for everyone in the Mos Eisley Cantina to the Forest Moon of Endor, but it wasn't forced on you the way Jar Jar Binks felt like it was. Hence, I can't really get myself to like the toys--I already have a bad taste in my mouth for most things NT, so I tend to be less partial to Clone Wars stuff.
But sometimes, just sometimes, a figure will pop out at you from the pegs and no matter which trilogy/series/timeline/universe they're from, you're just drawn to it. Barriss Offee is one of them.
Looking at the character pic they have on the card, Bariss really looks like a noob Jedi wannabe who might've been in the movies (she was) and ended up dying a meaningless death (she did)/being an easy kill during Executive Order 66 (incinerated by an AT-TE. Hm.) The character, despite all the awesome makeup and the lightsaber, just looks uninspired in the card pic.
But look at the figure--it's almost as if they made the figure first and then based the character of the toy. I just had to get her. Being at 2 for S$25 helped too. It's not often Star Wars figures go on discount here in Singapore. So was Bariss as good out of package as she was in-bubble-on-card? Let's find out!