Poor, misunderstood Destroyer. He's not a bad guy at all--just an abused suit of magical armour. Locked up by Odin, used by Loki, stabbed by Sif, hammered by Thor. He even eventually got chopped up to become Agent Coulsen's plaything. And all just for obeying instructions. Tsk, tsk. Really.

But lo! He gets an action figure! Even Sif doesn't get one. Or at least one that we can see long enough on the pegs to actually buy. :(((((
To tell you the truth, I actually didn't see much of this guy around either. In fact, I think my original intention was to get the Inferno Destroyer from the
mythical Wave 4 instead of this one. But when I didn't see
any of that elusive wave on pegs, I moved to get this guy instead. In fact, part of the reason I didn't open him up till now was because I was holding out on hope that I'd see Inferno Destroyer sooner or later.

More than a year on, and I've spotted All King Odin, Asgard Attack Thor, and Sorcerer's Fury Loki, all of which are repaints of older figures. No Inferno D, no Sif and definitely no King Loki.
As I mentioned in my previous review on
Secret Strike Loki, watching The Avengers has made me really want to review every Marvel Universe and Marvel movie 3.75" figure I owned but passed up on putting up here. Fireblast Destroyer is one of them.

Sure, it's been more than a year, but what they hey, the toy's still as good (or bad) right?
The wife and I managed to watch Thor and Captain America once more before we caught The Avengers on the big screen for the first time and I have to say, those movies feed into this summer's record-breaking blockbuster seamlessly. Though you don't really need to have caught the former two movies, it does enhance the experience of The Avengers.
And boy does it make me wanna take out my action figures and play with them. So that's just what I did with the Destroyer!