As I write this review, I'm running around the house screaming like a little kid on Christmas morning who just got
exactly what he wanted from Santa. Except that it's not Christmas but Fathers' day soon. And I'm not really running around the house, but more like lying around, imagining what it would be like running around. And there's no Santa this time of year, but an awesome wifey and son--because this is what they surprised me with just a few days ago!

I'd already put down my order with my fave specialty store (Toyrealm at China Square central ;P) but I'd been going on and on about how I'd still snag Hulk if I saw him for sure if I saw him anywhere else, how I regretted not picking it up about 2 weeks back when a guy at the local "flea" market had a couple of the Jolly Green Giants selling at a pretty high price (about 120% of retail), and how this Hulk would make me the coolest father on the planet along with the rest of the people who also had him.

The specialty store's shipment wasn't due in until later this month and I was resigned to not truly being cool for another few weeks. So imagine my surprise when the wife shows up with a huge bag with not one but
two Marvel Select figures in it and hands it to me! Happy Father's day indeed!
What was the other figure? Movie Loki, of course "So that I could re-enact the 'Puny god' scene from The Avengers for a chuckle or six until The Avengers 2 rolls around in 2015." That's how she explained it. But I suspect it might have been to shut me up from talking about Marvel Select Hulk every waking minute. And probably sometimes in my sleep too. ;P
No guesses how the figure turned out. But why let me stop you from checking out the review and the awesome photos? ;D