**First up, I have to apologize for this post going up so late, what with work, this Con, gaming and a family vacation all taking place, three quick weeks have just flown by. But no, I'm still alive, thanks for asking. And thanks for your patience too. Other things in life may be happening but, dare I say it, the toys do too! So from having cleared some backlog of Marvel Universe figures, I suddenly find myself with a whole bigger pile of stuff I want to open and review. It all started with this Con that took place on September 1st, that's some two and a half weeks ago now!**
Come to STGCC or Hulk will grab ya and drag ya there anyway! |
I was really looking forward to this years STGCC as it came right after a busy period at work for me and also because it was the first year it was going to be held at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre. for those of you who are unfamiliar with this neck of the Woods, MBS = luxury. It's not to say the previous location of Suntec City wasn't awesome, but kinda signalled that STGCC was moving on up.

Day 1 was a doozy, because we'd planned to dress the son up as his fave Captain America and were looking forward to not having to carry him around since he can walk now. But we had a friend's wedding lunch to attend first. As it turned out, after we were done, Lil Cap was more than happy to carry around his shield, which I had tied to his backpack (which he loves carrying around for some reason.) So he looked awesome!
"I hope they like my costume!"...says Daddy |
After quite a few photo request for Cutie Cap, the lil' guy pretty much ran out of gas. Oh, he did last about 45 minutes or so before he had to take a nap. A long one, at that.
I forgot to mention that we were going to meet the Rangerlord and was bringing along the Justice League: Supergirl, Batgirl, and (later on) Green Lantern. Rangerlord was just the guy collecting the money for the photos. I kid. By the time Green Lantern arrived, Cap was so deep in sleep there wasn't any way for a female Justice league/Baby Cap team-up, so sorry there's no pic of them all together kickin' a$$ and taking names. Ah, well. We'll dress them up again soon...
On to the Con itself, true believers!