The Alansong!
You IDed the figure correctly as Titanium Man! Ok, ok. So did everyone else. Heh.

But it was indeed third time lucky for you, Alansong! Must be your name, which reminds me of Leprechauns. Perhaps it's because they sing and dance to songs sung by bards...named Alan... >.<
Email me your address and I'll send out Titanium Man to ya! :D
And since
Dill hasn't responded to collect his Crimson Dynamo, I've re-drawn the winner and it's...
Your favorite Russian supervillain in red armor will be on the way once you send me your address! Huzzah!
It must have been all that bookmarking this site on your phone and putting it up there with Marvelousnews and The Fwoosh (to which I'm very flattered) that brought you all the luck!
Thanks for reading guys!
You know I can't let all the rest of you walk away from your computers cursing me in Siberian, so...
Let's jump right in to the very next contest and call it:
"The weather's so cool tonight that the baby's in a great mood contest!" ;)
Ground Rules
1) If you win the contest and you're overseas (i.e: anywhere else in the world but in Singapore), you'll
still receive the figure for free! I'll cover the shipping cost, including shipping materials. I may opt to open the toy (something I'm very good at) and remove the bubble, especially if shipping gets too steep. But I'll ship everything else from the card to the inserts if you like. ;)
2) If you live in Singapore, there's no definitely shipping charge--we'll arrange for a meet up so I can shake your hand, hand you the prize, and let the media (aka me) take a few snap shots. (Just kidding, no photos necessary. Lol.)
Contest Rules
There's a couple of things you have to do in order to enter.
Firstly, identify the toy in the pic on below! Yes, it is your prize. And yes, this one's tougher than the previous giveaway (hopefully). Your clue is that it's also from the Iron Man 2 3.75" toy line.
Secondly, once you've identified the prize in question,
reply to this post and tell me what the toy is!
Each correct answer will receive one chance to win. But that's not all--you can double your chances if you recommend someone else to Chase Variant and get them to follow it. (You'll have to let me know who you recommended in your post and I'll double your entry once they've followed!
You can also gain yourself one more entry if you head on over to the
Chase Variant Facebook page and
like it. What? You
already like it? Well then
like the post (or you can also just say something nice, like maybe how much you like chocolate pudding and you think I should try it) and
Schwing! You've earned yerself one more chance to win! (Don't forget to tell me who you are so that I can match the comment to your name on this site.)
It's that easy. For you, that is! For me it might turn out to be a mathematical nightmare. ;P)
Well all that's left now is a closing date! Let's call it a week and a bit from the time of this post, that's
5am Singapore time on Saturday the 23rd of July. (That's GMT +8.)
I hope you're stoked because I am. And I can't even win the prize! ;P