The first time ever I saw a pic of this figure was a couple months back on eBay--and his price was something like US$100 and climbing. Chuck eventually sold for for a whopping one hundred and twenty-seven (or so) big ones. Immediately I thought either someone on the inside got their hands on a few figures and snuck them out months ahead of their release, and/or Charlie X here was going to be so shortpacked people didn't care and were willing to pay US127 for him.
No more Prof X appeared for sale on the auction site and I never saw him again, until...

I walked into one of the specialty stores at China Square Central a couple weeks back and saw him right there on the shelf, flanked by Beta Ray Bill and The Hulk. Needless to say I grabbed them up. They each were tagged at S$30 a pop, that's about S$10 more than Marvel Universe retail, so I didn't want to get them all. By process of elimination, I put Beta Ray Bill back--great sculpt, but he was the character that I knew the least about, and was most likely to be seen again, I thought. I was then also about to chuck Chuck until the wife said, "I think you should get the professor. He's rarer, isn't he?" I couldn't keep my mind off the eBay auction price, so I agreed and put The Hulk back on his perch. I was now the proud owner of the most powerful plastic mind in Marvel Universe history!
I returned later to get The Hulk for the Rangerlord, but that's another story. Of course, I did find Hulk again the following week for cheaper and got one for myself. But that's also for another review.
Charles, Charlie, Chuck, the Chazz. Whatever you call him, Professor X is a darn good figure. And he's a great example of how Hasbro has been able to re-use resources to a refreshingly new effect!