It's been too damn long since I last reviewed a Transformer.
No, it isn't because I like them any less, nor is it the because there's been too much great stuff from Marvel and DC. (There has been but that's not the reason: a toy that gets me excited will get me raring to review it no matter what.)

The real reason is that I'm a real G1 fan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not staunchly "only G1 toys." In fact, I think those toys are dated. But I think their designs are timeless. Clean lines, very human-like faces, yet on the whole very much robot. And I love it when they take it back to the drawing board and give us a brand new toy with all the bells and whistle but with and update on the classic look.

That's why I love my Henkei Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Cliff Jumper, Generations Hot Rod, etc.
And that's why I love Hot Spot.
This guy and me go a long way back. After Optimus Prime died in the Animated Movie, Hot Spot was my new favourite. He kinda looked like Prime, was the leader of the Protectobots, and had a posse that would have his back no matter what. If things got rough, they could even merge and form Defensor! Needless to say he was my favourite combiner.

So when I saw thins guy n the shelf, I didn't hesitate. I knew he was in short supply, since I saw one of him to every three Megatron and Power Dive. To find out they are all part of an Asian exclusive line just make me think how lucky I am to be living in this part of the world!