By now you've probably read dozens of reviews about this suit of armor, the Mark V, otherwise also referred to as the "Suit-case." Get it? Suit. Case. Suit-in-a-case....Ok never mind. (You can find one of those excellent reviews
here at Articulated Discussion.)

What's important is that this particular suit has the coolest concept behind it but didn't have an instant "like" factor to it--at least that's what I gather from most netizens and people who watched the trailer when it was first released. I was of the same mind. Something about the armor bugged me. I mean, it's awesome that a suit can fold into a suitcase but something that I'd seen about it so far was off. It didn't help when this toy hit the pegs because of one or two things like the paint and the fact I didn't instantly take a liking to the armor at first.
By now, most of us have probably seen the movie. I've seen it twice already and will watch it once more at least when the DVD hits the shelves. (Yeah right, probably more like another two or three times when I first get my hands on it...heheh.)
And the more I watch the movie, the more I
love it. Why? Well, the devil is in the details. The dialogue, Nick Fury, Caps' Shield, Black Widow, Justin Hammer, Mickey Rourke's
bord (I mean his bird. Parrot. Really.)

The same goes for this 3.75 scale of the Suitcase Armor. When I first saw it, I was put off by the silver to red ratio and by the sloppy red paint in general. Lots of the sculpt's detail gets hidden because of the poor application. But after a few weeks and the pegs being swamped by this figure, I managed to snag one with good paint. And just like in the movie, after I had a closer look, I was suitably impressed.