Yes, I confess, I destroyed my Iron Man 2 comic Series 3.75" Crimson Dynamo.

Well, as most of you might know, Dynamo comes with his lower legs attached backwards. (See right pic) This gave him some problems ranging from looking knocked kneed to, in my case, being unable to straighten his right leg. (His left leg was the standard knock knee when straightened.)
So of course I had read all the possible cures for this and decided to remedy the problem. But I had never done any toy 'fixing' before, but I was eager to try it and confident it would work.
So I boiled some water and stuck dynamo in there. True enough, his knee joints went soft. But the water also started to turn red! And then Crimson dynamo's feet were crimson no more (but brown instead.)
To add to my woes, the lower leg wouldn't come off and I was afraid of tearing the knee joint, so I just let him cool. But he was never quite the same again and couldn't stand right because of his wobbly knees. Then I remembered that I could still save the guy if I re-heated the knee joints and the upper and lower legs together a bit, then dunked him in cold water.
Success! But more red paint came off. And for some reason, Maroon (feet) Dynamo started to have loose hips. Now he had tight knees, but still couldn't do a wide stance. So how was I to take decent pics of him? On hindsight I think I might've dunked him a little too deep in the hot water, but I figured then that I would use the super glue trick! For the very first time! What followed was complete disaster.

Yup, what you see is the result of too powerful a super glue eating into the hips of Maroon Dynamo. The more I moved the joint around to ensure it wouldn't be stuck (and instead be nice and tight), the more of Dynamo's ball-joints got sloughed off. talk about armor eating liquids!
So the moral of the story? Don't screw around with your toys if you don't know how! Now when I think back to just over 24 hours ago,, Crimson Dynamo still looked fantastic in all his knock-kneed glory.
The upside? There's plenty of him out there, so I can go get one more! (And Marvel Universe Cyclops now has an eye-beam accessory of his own.)
And I also managed to fix the loose grip on both my DC Universe Hawkgirl's and Wonder Woman's hands! Yay!